Hugo Albeiro Saldarriaga Noreña
Profesor- Titular B
SNI: Nivel II
Líneas de Investigación:
Química Analítica y ambiental:
Remediación de matrices ambientales:
Laboratorio de Química Analítica y Ambiental
Cuerpo Académico: Química y Física del Ambiente | Teléfono: +52 777 329 7997 Ext.6005
ORCID: 0000-0002-0676-0639 | Scopus Author ID: 26027224000 | Google Académico
66. Ronderos-Lara, J. G., Millán-Vázquez, F., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Valle-Hernández, B. L., López-Velázquez, K., & Mugica-Álvarez, V.*(2025). Atmospheric Estrogenic Semi-Volatile Compounds and PAH in PM2.5 in Mexico City. Atmosphere, 16(2), 178.
65. Hernández-Maravilla, S., Castrejón-Godínez, M. L., Tovar-Sánchez, E., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Rodríguez, A., Rosas-Ramírez, M. E., & Mussali-Galante, P. (2025). Metal Biomonitoring Through Arboreal Species in Riparian Ecosystems: Pithecellobium dulce as a Bioindicator Species. Plants, 14(1), 118.
64. BustosRivera-Bahena, G., Ramírez-Arteaga, A. M., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Larios-Gálvez, A. K., González-Rodríguez, J. G., Romero-Aguilar, M., & Sesenes, R. L. (2024). Hexane extract of Persea schiedeana Ness as green corrosion inhibitor for the brass immersed in 0.5 M HCl. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6512.
63. López-Velázquez, K., Ronderos-Lara, J. G., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Villanueva-Rodríguez, M., Guzmán-Mar, J. L., Hoil-Canul, E. R., & Cabellos-Quiroz, J. L. (2025). Endocrine-disrupting compounds in urban rivers of the southern border of Mexico: Occurrence and ecological risk assessment. Emerging Contaminants, 11(1), 100456.
62. Ojeda-Castillo, V., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Hernández-Mena, L., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H., Vargas-Amado, M. E., Herrera-López, E. J., & Díaz, J. (2024). Tropospheric NO2: Anthropogenic Influence, Global Trends, Satellite Data, and Machine Learning Application. Remote Sensing, 17(1), 49.
61. Carmona-Hernandez, A., Barreda-Serrano, M. C., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., López-Sesenes, R., González-Rodríguez, J. G., Mejía-Sánchez, E., Ramírez-Cano, J. A., Orozco-Cruz, R., & Galván-Martínez, R. (2024). Insight into the Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Pistia stratiotes Leaf Extract as a Novel Eco-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in 1 M HCl Solution. Molecules, 29(22), 5243.
60. Cobarrubias-Escamilla, D. L., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Vergara-Sánchez, J., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., & Moeller-Chávez, G. E. (2024). Removal of ibuprofen, naproxen and 17-β-estradiol in water using L. octovalvis constructed wetlands. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 1–10.
59. Díaz-Soto, J. A., Mussali-Galante, P., Castrejón-Godínez, M. L., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Tovar-Sánchez, E., & Rodríguez, A. *(2024). Glyphosate resistance and biodegradation by Burkholderia cenocepacia CEIB S5-2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
58. BustosRivera-Bahena, G., Ramírez-Arteaga, A. M., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Larios-Gálvez, A. K., González-Rodríguez, J. G., Romero-Aguilar, M., & Sesenes, R. L. (2024). Hexane extract of Persea schiedeana Ness as green corrosion inhibitor for the brass immersed in 0.5 M HCl. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6512. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56793-w
57. Brito-Hernández, A., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H*., Rosales-Rivera, M., García-Betancourt, M.-L., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Romero-Aguilar, M., Mugica-Alvarez, V., Díaz-Torres, J. de J., & Figueroa-Lara, J. de J. (2024). Risk Estimation of Heavy Metals Associated with PM2.5 in the Urban Area of Cuernavaca, México. Atmosphere, 15(4), 409. DOI: 10.3390/atmos15040409
56. Gomez, A., Rodríguez Albarrán, M. J., Vergara Sanchez, J., Torres, C., Osorio, D., Martínez, H., Saldarriaga, H., & Reyes, P. G*. (2024). Physical–Chemical Assessment of Azo Dye Basic Violet I (BVI) Discoloration Using the Corona Plasma in Batch and Flow Systems. ACS Omega. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c07559
55. Osorio-Aguilar, D.-M., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.-A., Murillo-Tovar, M.-A., Vergara-Sánchez, J., Ramírez-Aparicio, J., Magallón-Cacho, L., & García-Betancourt, M.-L*. (2023). Adsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue in Carbon Nanotubes: A Review with Bibliometric Analysis. Catalysts, 13(12), 1480. DOI: 10.3390/catal13121480
54. Chávez-Almazán, L. A*., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Díaz-González, L., Garibo-Ruiz, D., & Waliszewski, S. M. (2023). Relationship Between DDT Concentrations with Multiparity and Breastfeeding History. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 111(3), 27. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-023-03785-7
53. Rosas-Sánchez, J., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*, Chávez-Almazán, L. A., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Ramírez-Bustos, I. I., León- Hernández, V. A., Reyes, P. G., Vergara-Sánchez, J., & Fernández-Herrera, E. (2023). Occurrence of pesticide residues in fig crops (Ficus carica L.), in Morelos, Mexico. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, 39, 215–227. DOI: 10.20937/RICA.54711
52. Muñoz-Hernández, J. A., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*, Reyes-Romero, P. G., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., & Vergara-Sánchez, J. (2023). Development of electrooxidation cells with recovered carbon, for its possible application in the removal of 17-a-estradiol from wáter. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 287, 224–232. DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2023.29386
51. López-Velázquez, K.; Guzmán-Mar, J. L.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Villanueva-Rodríguez, M*. Ecological Risk Assessment Associated with Five Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds in Wastewater Treatment Plants of Northeast Mexico. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2022. DOI:10.1007/s11356-022-24322-9
50. Lagunas-Basave, B.; Brito-Hernández, A.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Romero-Aguilar, M.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Moeller-Chávez, G. E.; Díaz-Torres, J. de J.; Rosales-Rivera, M.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.* Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Atrazine and Diuron in Well and Surface Water of a Cornfield Rural Region. Water 2022, 14 (22), 3790. DOI: 10.3390/w14223790.
49. Díaz-Torres, J. de J.; Ojeda-Castillo, V.; Hernández-Mena, L.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A*. Long-Term Analysis of Tropospheric Ozone in the Urban Area of Guadalajara, Mexico: A New Insight of an Alternative Criterion. Atmosphere (Basel). 2022, 13 (2), 152. DOI: 10.3390/atmos13020152.
48. Ronderos-Lara, J. G.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H*.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Alvarez, L.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Barba, V.; Guerrero-Alvarez, J. A. Distribution and Estrogenic Risk of Alkylphenolic Compounds, Hormones and Drugs Contained in Water and Natural Surface Sediments, Morelos, Mexico. Separations 2022, 9 (1), 19. DOI: 10.3390/separations9010019.
47. Rosas-Sánchez, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Chávez-Almazán, L. A.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A. Agricultural Pesticide Exposure and Risk Assessment to Human Health in Mexico;
2022; pp 101–118. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1928-5_6
46. Barrera Olivarez, M.; Alfonso Murillo Tovar, M*.; Vergara Sánchez, J.; Luisa García Betancourt, M.;
Martín Romero, F.; María Ramírez Arteaga, A.; Eleonora Moeller Chávez, G.; Albeiro Saldarriaga
Noreña, H. Mobility of Heavy Metals in Aquatic Environments Impacted by Ancient Mining-Waste. In Water Quality - Factors and Impacts [Working Title]; IntechOpen, 2021. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.98693
45. Khirbet López-Velázquez, Jorge L. Guzmán-Mar, Hugo A. Saldarriaga-Noreña, Mario A.
Murillo-Tovar, Minerva Villanueva-Rodríguez*. Ecological Risk Assessment of Five Endocrine-
Disrupting Compounds in Wastewater Treatment Plants from Monterrey. Research Square
2021. DOI: 10.21203/
44. Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Montiel-Palma, S.; Márquez, R. L.-; Sánchez, J. V.-; Murillo-Tovar, M. A. Chemical Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Metals Associated to Airborne Particulate Matter PM2.5 in Saltillo, México. South Florida J. Dev. 2021, 2 (3), 4218–4238 DOI: 10.46932/sfjdv2n3-035
43. López-Martínez, V. G.; Guerrero-Álvarez, J. A.; Ronderos-Lara, J. G.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Solá-Pérez, J. E.; León-Rivera, I.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.* Spectral Characteristics Related to Chemical Substructures and Structures Indicative of Organic Precursors from Fulvic Acids in Sediments by NMR and HPLC-ESI-MS. Molecules 2021, 26 (13), 4051 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26134051
1. Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Alfonso Murillo-Tovar, M., Farooq, R., Dongre, R., Riaz, S., Eds.; Environmental Chemistry and Recent Pollution Control Approaches; IntechOpen, 2019 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.80247
2. Alfonso Murillo-Tovar, M.,* Saldarriaga-Noreña, H., Saeid, A., Eds.; Trace Metals in the Environment - New Approaches and Recent Advances; IntechOpen, 2021, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.83504
1. Campos Blanco-Jiménez, S., Cardenas-Gutiérrez, B., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H., Hernández-Mena, L., R. A. Estudio Preliminar de Compuestos Tóxicos En Aire Ambiente En La Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara. Instituto Nacional de Ecología. 2009. Online
2. Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Murillo-Tovar, M.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; López-Márquez, R.; Guerrero-Alvarez, J.; and Arias -Montoya, M.; Recent Advances for Polycyclic Aromatic Analysis in Airborne Particulate Matter. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79714
3. Gustavo Ronderos-Lara, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Guillermo Reyes-Romero, P.; Alberto Chávez-Almazán, L.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Alfonso Murillo-Tovar, M.; Torres-Segundo, C. Emerging Compounds in Mexico: Challenges for Their Identification and Elimination in Wastewater. In Emerging Contaminants [Working Title]; IntechOpen, 2020, DOI:10.5772/intechopen.93909
53. Rosas-Sánchez, J., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*, Chávez-Almazán, L. A., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Ramírez-Bustos, I. I., León- Hernández, V. A., Reyes, P. G., Vergara-Sánchez, J., & Fernández-Herrera, E. (2023). Occurrence of pesticide residues in fig crops (Ficus carica L.), in Morelos, Mexico. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, 39, 215–227. DOI: 10.20937/RICA.54711
52. Muñoz-Hernández, J. A., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*, Reyes-Romero, P. G., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., & Vergara-Sánchez, J. (2023). Development of electrooxidation cells with recovered carbon, for its possible application in the removal of 17-a-estradiol from wáter. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 287, 224–232. DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2023.29386
51. López-Velázquez, K.; Guzmán-Mar, J. L.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Villanueva-Rodríguez, M*. Ecological Risk Assessment Associated with Five Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds in Wastewater Treatment Plants of Northeast Mexico. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2022. DOI:10.1007/s11356-022-24322-9
50. Lagunas-Basave, B.; Brito-Hernández, A.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Romero-Aguilar, M.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Moeller-Chávez, G. E.; Díaz-Torres, J. de J.; Rosales-Rivera, M.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.* Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Atrazine and Diuron in Well and Surface Water of a Cornfield Rural Region. Water 2022, 14 (22), 3790. DOI: 10.3390/w14223790.
49. Díaz-Torres, J. de J.; Ojeda-Castillo, V.; Hernández-Mena, L.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A*. Long-Term Analysis of Tropospheric Ozone in the Urban Area of Guadalajara, Mexico: A New Insight of an Alternative Criterion. Atmosphere (Basel). 2022, 13 (2), 152. DOI: 10.3390/atmos13020152.
48. Ronderos-Lara, J. G.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H*.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Alvarez, L.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Barba, V.; Guerrero-Alvarez, J. A. Distribution and Estrogenic Risk of Alkylphenolic Compounds, Hormones and Drugs Contained in Water and Natural Surface Sediments, Morelos, Mexico. Separations 2022, 9 (1), 19. DOI: 10.3390/separations9010019.
47. Rosas-Sánchez, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Chávez-Almazán, L. A.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Murillo- Tovar, M. A. Agricultural Pesticide Exposure and Risk Assessment to Human Health in Mexico;
2022; pp 101–118. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1928-5_6
46. Barrera Olivarez, M.; Alfonso Murillo Tovar, M*.; Vergara Sánchez, J.; Luisa García Betancourt, M.;
Martín Romero, F.; María Ramírez Arteaga, A.; Eleonora Moeller Chávez, G.; Albeiro Saldarriaga
Noreña, H. Mobility of Heavy Metals in Aquatic Environments Impacted by Ancient Mining-Waste. In Water Quality - Factors and Impacts [Working Title]; IntechOpen, 2021. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.98693
45. Khirbet López-Velázquez, Jorge L. Guzmán-Mar, Hugo A. Saldarriaga-Noreña, Mario A.
Murillo-Tovar, Minerva Villanueva-Rodríguez*. Ecological Risk Assessment of Five Endocrine-
Disrupting Compounds in Wastewater Treatment Plants from Monterrey. Research Square
2021. DOI: 10.21203/
44. Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Montiel-Palma, S.; Márquez, R. L.-; Sánchez, J. V.-; Murillo-Tovar, M. A. Chemical Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Metals Associated to Airborne Particulate Matter PM2.5 in Saltillo, México. South Florida J. Dev. 2021, 2 (3), 4218–4238 DOI: 10.46932/sfjdv2n3-035
43. López-Martínez, V. G.; Guerrero-Álvarez, J. A.; Ronderos-Lara, J. G.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Solá-Pérez, J. E.; León-Rivera, I.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.* Spectral Characteristics Related to Chemical Substructures and Structures Indicative of Organic Precursors from Fulvic Acids in Sediments by NMR and HPLC-ESI-MS. Molecules 2021, 26 (13), 4051 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26134051
42. Rodríguez Albarrán, M. J.; Gómez Díaz, A.; Reyes Romero, P. G.; Palomares Amado, J. C.; Vergara Sánchez, J.; Torres Segundo, C.; Saldarriaga Noreña, H. A.; Valencia, H. M. Influence of Physical and Chemical Parameters in the Treatment of Basic Red Dye 46 by Atmospheric Plasma. Desalin. WATER Treat. 2021, 222, 259–270 DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2021.27084
41. Medellin-Muñoz, M. F.; Villegas-Torres, O. G.*; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Andrade-Rodríguez, M.; Sotelo-Nava, H.; Perdomo-Roldán, F. PRODUCCIÓN DE BERRO EN CUAUTLA, MORELOS, MÉXICO. Rev. Fitotec. Mex. 2020, 43 (4-A), 548 DOI: 10.35196/rfm.2020.4-A.548
40. López-Velázquez, K.; Guzmán-Mar, J. L.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Hinojosa-Reyes, L.; Villanueva-Rodríguez, M.* Occurrence and Seasonal Distribution of Five Selected Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds in Wastewater Treatment Plants of the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Mexico: The Role of Water Quality Parameters. Environ. Pollut. 2021, 269, 116223 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116223
39. Chávez-Almazán, L. A.*, Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Díaz-González, L., Garibo-Ruiz, D., & Waliszewski, S. M. (2020). Dietary habits associated with the presence of organochlorine pesticides in human milk. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 55(8), 756–766.
38. Flores-Trujillo, A. K. I., Mussali-Galante, P.*, de Hoces, M. C., Blázquez-García, G., Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A., Rodríguez-Solís, A., Tovar-Sánchez, E., Sánchez-Salinas, E., & Ortiz-Hernández, L.* (2020). Biosorption of heavy metals on Opuntia fuliginosa and Agave angustifolia fibers for their elimination from water. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
7. Arias-Montoya, M. I., López-Márquez, R., Murillo-Tovar, M. A., Guerrero-Alvarez, J. A., Vergara-Sánchez, J., Reyes, P. G., … Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.* (2020). Molecular Markers in Ambient Air Associated with Biomass Burning in Morelos, México. Atmosphere, 11(5), 491.
36. Calderón-Moreno, G.M.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; García-Betancourt, M.L.; Domínguez-Patiño, M.L.; Moeller-Chávez, G.E.; Ronderos-Lara, J.G.; Arias-Montoya, M.I.; Montoya-Balbas, I.J.; Murillo-Tovar, M.A.*; Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Steroidal Hormones and Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Surface Water in Cuautla River, Mexico.Water 2019, 11(12), 2628;
35. Ramos-Quintana, F.*; Tovar-Sánchez, E.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Sotelo-Nava, H.; Sánchez-Hernández, J. P.; Castrejón-Godínez, M.-L. A CBR–AHP Hybrid Method to Support the Decision-Making Process in the Selection of Environmental Management Actions. Sustainability 2019, 11 (20), 5649 DOI: 10.3390/su11205649
34. Ramírez-Bustos, I. I.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Fernández-Herrera, E.; Juárez-López, P.; Alia-Tejacal, I.; Guillén-Sánchez, D.; Rivera-León, I.; López-Martínez, V. Dissipation Behavior of Three Pesticides in Prickly Pear (Opuntia Ficus-Indica (L.) Mill.) Pads in Morelos, Mexico. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16 (16), 2922 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16162922
33. Ramos-Quintana, F.*; Sotelo-Nava, H.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Tovar-Sánchez, E. Assessing the Environmental Quality Resulting from Damages to Human-Nature Interactions Caused by Population Increase: A Systems Thinking Approach. Sustainability 2019, 11 (7), 1957 DOI: 10.3390/su11071957
32. Ramírez-Bustos, I.; López-Martínez, V.; Juarez-Lopez, P.; Alía-Tejacal, I.; Guillén-Sánchez, D.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; León-Rivera, I. Monitoring of Pesticides in the Cultivation of Nopal Vegetable (Opuntia Ficus-Indica (L.)) Mill, Morelos, México. Agriculture 2018, 8 (11), 174. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture8110174
31. Ronderos-Lara, J.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Murillo-Tovar, M.; Vergara-Sánchez, J. Optimization and Application of a GC-MS Method for the Determination of Endocrine Disruptor Compounds in Natural Water. Separations 2018, 5 (2), 33. DOI: 10.3390/separations5020033
30. Solá-Pérez, J. E.*; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Murillo-Tovar, M.; Ronderos-Lara, G.; López-Martínez, V. G. Chemical Characterization of N-Hexane Extract Obtained from Lignocellulose Residual Contained in Agroindustrial Wastes. J. Agric. Chem. Environ. 2018, 07 (02), 94–104. DOI: 10.4236/jacen.2018.72009
29. Murillo-Tovar, M.*; Barradas-Gimate, A.; Arias-Montoya, M.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Associated with PM2.5 in Guadalajara, Mexico: Environmental Levels, Health Risks and Possible Sources. Environments 2018, 5 (5), 62. DOI: 10.3390/environments5050062
28. Chávez-Almazán, L. A.*; Díaz-Ortiz, J. A.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Dávila-Vazquez, G.; Santiago-Moreno, A.; Rosas-Acevedo, J. L.; Sampedro-Rosas, M. L.; López-Silva, S.; Waliszewski, S. M. Análisis regional de la contaminación por plaguicidas organoclorados en leche humana en Guerrero, México. Rev. Int. Contam. Ambient. 2018, 34 (2), 225–235. DOI: 10.20937/RICA.2018.34.02.04
27. Ramírez-Bustos, I. I.; López Martínez, V.*; Juárez-López, P.; Guillén-Sánchez, D.; Alia-Tejacal, I.; Rivera-León, I.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. A.; Jiménez-García, D. Identificación de Envases Vacíos de Plaguicidas En Plantaciones de Nopal Verdura, Opuntia Ficus-Indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae), En Morelos, México. Acta Agrícola y Pecu. 2018, 4 (1). DOI: 10.30973/aap/2018.4.1/3
26. Gómez, A.; Torres-Arenas, A. J.; Vergara-Sánchez, J.*; Torres, C.; Reyes, P. G.; Martínez, H.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H. Physical-Chemical Characterization of the Textile Dye Azo Ab52 Degradation by Corona Plasma. AIP Adv. 2017, 7 (10), 105304. DOI: 10.1063/1.4993181
25. Barradas-Gimate, A.; Murillo-Tovar, M.*; Díaz-Torres, J.; Hernández-Mena, L.*; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Delgado-Saborit, J.; López-López, A. Occurrence and Potential Sources of Quinones Associated with PM2.5 in Guadalajara, Mexico. Atmosphere (Basel). 2017, 8 (8), 140. DOI: 10.3390/atmos8080140
24. Solá-Pérez, J. E.*; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Murillo-Tovar, M. Ethyl Levulinate Obtained from Lignocellulosic Waste Material with Previous Delignification by Ultrasonic-Assisted Technique. J. Agric. Chem. Environ. 2017, 6 (1), 93–103. DOI: 10.4236/jacen.2017.61006
23. Chávez-Almazán, L. A.*; Diaz-Ortiz, J.; Alarcón-Romero, M.; Davila-Vazquez, G.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Sampedro-Rosas, L.; López-Silva, S.; Santiago-Moreno, A.; Rosas-Acevedo, J. L.; Waliszewski, S. M. Influence of Breastfeeding Time on Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides in Human Milk of a Mexican Population. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2016, 96 (2), 168–172. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-015-1702-6
22. Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; López-Márquez, R.; Murillo-Tovar, M.; Hernández-Mena, L.; Ospina-Noreña, E.; Sánchez-Salinas, E.; Waliszewski, S.; Montiel-Palma, S. Analysis of PAHs Associated with Particulate Matter PM2. 5 in Two Places at the City of Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. Atmosphere (Basel). 2015, 6 (9), 1259–1270. DOI: 10.3390/atmos6091259
21. Murillo-Tovar, M. A.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Hernández-Mena, L.; Campos-Ramos, A.; Cárdenas-González, B.; Ospina-Noreña, J. E.; Cosío-Ramírez, R.; Díaz-Torres, J. de J.; Smith, W. Potential Sources of Trace Metals and Ionic Species in PM2. 5 in Guadalajara, Mexico: A Case Study during Dry Season. Atmosphere (Basel). 2015, 6 (12), 1858–1870. DOI: 10.3390/atmos6121834
20. Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.*; Hernández-Mena, L.; Sánchez-Salinas, E.; Ramos-Quintana, F.; Ortíz-Hernández, L.; Morales-Cueto, R.; Alarcón-González, V.; Ramírez-Jiménez, S. Ionic Composition in Aqueous Extracts from PM2. 5 in Ambient Air at the City of Cuernavaca, México. J. Environ. Prot. (Irvine,. Calif). 2014, 5 (13), 1305. DOI: 10.4236/jep.2014.513124
19. Waliszewski, S. M.*; Caba, M.; Saldarriaga-Noreña, H.; Martínez, A. J.; Meza, E.; Quintana, R. V.; Zepeda, R. Organochlorine Pesticide Level Differences among Female Inhabitants from Veracruz, Puebla and
Tabasco, Mexico. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2014, 93 (2), 233–237. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-014-1309-3
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